Learning Innovation Conversation with Chris Emdin

October 24, 2017

ExCITe welcomed Chris Emdin for a Learning Innovation Conversation on October 24, 2017 at Mitchell Auditorium in the Bossone Research Center at Drexel University moderated by ExCITe Director Youngmoo Kim. Emdin shared his vision for a more progressive pedagogy based on a more culturally authentic curriculum for students.

>>Watch the video

Media Coverage of Chris Emdin Conversation:

What teachers need to know about connecting with students in urban schools, WHYY, October 26, 2017
The Citizen Recommends: #HipHop Ed, The Philadelphia Citizen, October 20, 2017
Next Week: Hear about the educator bringing hip-hop to STEM education, Technically Philly, October 16, 2017

About Chris Emdin:

Chris Emdin is Associate Professor in the Department of Mathematics, Science and Technology at Teachers College, Columbia University; where he also serves as Director of Science Education at the Center for Health Equity and Urban Science Education. He is also the Associate Director of the Institute for Urban and Minority Education at Teachers College, Columbia University. He is an alumni fellow at the Hutchins Center at Harvard University, and currently serves as Minorities in Energy Ambassador for the U.S. Department of Energy and the STEAM Ambassador for the U.S. Department of State.